
Stand-up Meditation平凡な日常を特別な日常に変えてみませんか?






■丹田や仙骨が調整され 思考のクリアリングからアセンションへ




「ゆもじ瞑想」は、着物文化の中で、日本女性が伝統的に用い てきたゆもじを(湯文字)使って、私たちの骨盤を固定し、立った まま行うまったく新しい瞑想法です。骨盤をゆもじで固定すると、 私たちの仙骨が発動し、「仙骨アーシング」が起こります。

仙骨アーシングとは、細胞や骨、チャクラのエネルギーが、仙骨を通して地球へとアースされ、浄化・解放されていくことをいいます。それによって、仙骨から脳幹へとつながっている波動は、体の中心をつらぬいて、各チャクラを活性化、頭頂から天へと通じ、光の柱となるのです。雑念に煩わされ ることなく、これまでにない深い瞑想境地へ自然に入れて、まさ に、天・人・地がひとつにつながった状態に。また、仙骨から背骨 を通った情報が脳幹を刺激し、幸せホルモンといわれるβエンド ルフィン、ドーパミン、セロトニンなどの神経伝達物質が大量に 分泌されるので、至福の境地を体験することもできます。自身の 望むことや、人生の向かうべき方向も明確になっていくでしょう。

■丹田や仙骨が調整され 思考のクリアリングからアセンションへ


体はすっきりと軽くなり、気がつくと、集中力、回復力、感 覚、姿勢も変化。さらに、顔のバランスが良くなったり、姿勢が良くなったり、女性は バストアップしたりという効果まで体感できるそうです!

教室では湯文字王子のお弟子さんが、参加者一人ひとりにていねいに「ゆもじハピフルネス」 のやり方と体験をサポートします。瞑想の回数を重ねていくことで






 あなたにとっての本当の「成功」「幸せ」「人生の使命」とは、 一体なんなのか? あなたの人生の一番深くに焦点を当ててい きます。一人ひとりが自分自身への問いかけを通じ、魂が求める 人生を見つけ出すことができるのです。


疲労が回復する/仙骨アーシングができる/滞っていたエネルギーの通りをよくする/とらわれのない心身状態をつくる/脳が活性化される/幸せホルモンが分泌され、至福の境地を体験できる /雑念がわかずに別次元の瞑想が得られる etc.

*ゆもじ(湯文字)とは女性の和服の下着の一種で、腰巻とも呼ばれる。巻きスカート のように腰部から膝までを覆い、裾よけの下に着用する。

■An abdomen and a sacrum are adjusted; from the clear ring of the thought to Ascension

The meditation method to become independent, and to perform not to be tiring at all that came out of the tradition of the kimono.

I only fix UMOJI, and, to put it simply, meditation and an energy charge can play "UMOJI HAPPY-FULLNESS" which had the totally new "energy work and mind unification" that energy can easily fill at the same time.

A Japanese woman uses umoji (loincloth) for "the umoji meditation" in kimono culture traditionally and fixes our pelvis and is the meditation method new at all to perform with standing. Our sacrum exercises it when I fix pelvic UMOJI, and "sacrum earthing" happens.

A cell and a bone, energy of the cakra are grounded through a sacrum to the earth, and sacrum earthing means that I am freed purification. The wave that leads from a sacrum to brainstem goes through the center of the body and activates each cakra and knows from the top of the head the sky, and it is thereby with a pillar of the light. In the state that I poured it into the unprecedented deep meditation ground naturally without being bothered by idle thoughts, and the sky, a person, the ground was right connected in one. In addition, the information that went along the backbone from a sacrum stimulates brainstem and can experience a state of the supreme bliss because neurotransmitters such as beta endorphin, dopamine, the serotonin said to be a happy hormone are secreted in large quantities. Expecting it and the direction where you should go to of the life of own will become clear.

An abdomen and a sacrum are adjusted; from the clear ring of the thought to Ascension.

The UMOJI meditation helps our health at the same time. Because it is possible for activation of the "natural healing power" "self immunity", a mental and physical clear ring because an abdomen and a sacrum are adjusted, and being warped of learning and following it is set, a pain and the disorder that did a frame if caused by the fact are improved.

When I lose my weight clearly and notice, concentration, resilience, a sense, the posture change. Furthermore, the balance of the face improves, and posture improves and seems to be able to sense the woman bodily until an effect to improve a bust! In the classroom, Inoguchi and the pupil support a way and an experience of "the UMOJI meditation" to each participant carefully every time. It is と Inoguchi "a thought deepens, and to lead to mysterious experience and Ascension experience before long" by repeating the number of times of the meditation.

In fact, our essence is energy itself, and we remember that I can control energy freely, and even anyone may finally leave for "the ultimate ground" that a Buddhist ascetic of yoga and the Zen aimed at.

It is new enlightenment activity for the human beyond all races, age. I can take the part-time job that rises to the new dimension if it is natural that many people practice this meditation method.

●Find out the life which your soul seeks

Why is your life in the current state now? What are your true “success”, “happiness”, and “mission in life”? In this workshop, we will focus on the deepest part of your life. Each of us will be able to find a life that our soul seek through questioning ourselves.

●Prospective effect

etc. where the meditation of the other dimension is provided without the / idle thoughts that the / happiness hormone that / brain making the mind and body state that there is not of / tiger me to make a street of the energy that / where there is / sacrum アーシング where fatigue is restored was delayed better is activated is secreted, and can experience a state of the supreme bliss being heated, etc.

*Yumoji is a type of women’s underwear for Kimonos. Its length is till the knees and covers around hip area.